Brahma Baba – A Unique Personality

Brahma Baba

The 18th January is a very special day for the Brahma Kumaris.  It is the Ascension Day of Brahma Baba, the Founder of the Brahma Kumaris, when the soul flew away in 1969.  This day gives us permission to remember the one who pioneered this spiritual divine path; the one who inculcated each spiritual idea first before sharing the knowledge with others. He experimented with many spiritual insights, taking time to go deeply into the practice of meditation and silence.  He did his own internal research, to understand the knowledge in a disciplined way.

Baba sent hand written letters to the students

Here are a few practices:

Soul Consciousness

A very deep state in which all that I am aware of is the soul.  My full awareness and consciousness is that “I am a soul.” Even whilst I am walking and talking, working and moving… it is I, the soul who is operating this body.  Just as we are all fully aware of our names, such that, if someone shouts “Aruna”, my head will turn in that direction, so too, the knowledge and then awareness of “being the soul” has to be just as firm. Brahma Baba constantly practised seeing himself and all others as souls. This pure vision enabled him to see beyond the corporeal form ….  once we are not stuck on any label of the body, we are all the same, not bound by the limitations of matter but equal in the light.

God Consciousness

God, the Source of our soul power, is omniscient (knowing everything), omnipotent (all powerful).  He is our Spiritual Mother and Father.  He is an Eternal Being of Light.  He is Just and Fair.  He is Holy and Pure, Loving and Merciful.  God is Infinite; He has no limits in power, knowledge and presence.  God is Almighty.  I mention all this because, one would think it is difficult to connect with such a Mighty Being.  Yet Brahma Baba felt nothing but a sweet closeness with God as the true Friend.  He lived and breathed the Company of God.  His every move was guided by God.  He surrendered to God. How did he do that?  By heeding each divine instruction… attempting to make each and every thought, word and action as elevated and the highest possible.  Imagine being and feeling so close to God, that there is absolutely no fear.  No worry, no concern … just a pure and open meeting of the hearts, like the mother and father meeting the child … like a loving family.

Baba with Dadi’s and Rajniben, Sis Jayanti’s mother and Sis Jayanti bottom left

Time Consciousness

Brahma Baba was fully aware that time was running out.  I don’t mean to talk of time as though it is a thing.  It is no thing.  Time is the measure of the quality of an experience.  Sometimes time seems to be passing by fast … sometimes slow.  Sometimes it doesn’t move fast enough.  Yet the clock is the same 24 hour clock.  He was aware that time running out meant that each of us is going to die, we are going to have to leave this body at some time, and so what stock are we carrying in the soul?  How is our spiritual credit?  Brahma Baba was aware that time will turn, nothing stays the same forever.  Those who have sown, need to reap their good deeds and so indeed a time will come when there will be peace on Earth.  Between then and now, there is little time.  Nothing to fear, just a sense of urgency.  We have no time to waste, every moment we have is a moment to make a difference in our life or the lives of others.  Time waits for no one and so do not delay in doing a good act with kindness and compassion.

Still and Stable Consciousness

Knowing that many obstacles will come and knowing that not everyone is the same or perceives everything to be the same, there will be differences of opinion.  Therefore, Brahma Baba knew how to keep himself stable in the face of everything.  He was strong and sturdy, unwavering in his faith and in the knowledge that he was receiving.

Baba feeding all a Birthday cake

Donor Consciousness

Brahma Baba knew that there was more joy in giving than taking.  He was one of the most philanthropic people of his time.  In the mid 1930s he handed over all the wealth to a trust comprising a group of young women.  And that became the seed money for the Brahma Kumaris to begin their work.  He imparted the knowledge he received.  He donated his time and powers and all good wishes including mercy and compassion.  He was generous with all gifts, big and small.

Baba giving chai to all labourers

As the organization grew and new buildings were built, the members of the Brahma Kumaris insisted that Baba move to the new premises.  Brahma Baba insisted back, that they were for the children.  Such was Brahma Baba’s humility, that he stayed for many years in what used to be an old horse stable, with space for a bed, chair and table which had a bathroom outside some metres away, accessible only through a courtyard.

One day a student brought a VIP soul to meet Baba.  At the time Brahma Baba was making cow pats, and the student was a bit put out that the VIP would see Brahma Baba doing such a humble task.  But Brahma Baba had no sense of embarrassment and because he was completely soul conscious when greeting the VIP, the VIP had a vision of Brahma Baba as a powerful angel.

Brahma Baba was a man with deep faith in God.  It was his humility and determination that enabled him to overcome many obstacles on his spiritual path and to become victorious. Brahma Baba is a great sample and example for us to follow, he was … is a very inspiring personality.

It’s Time… to remember the virtues, and qualities of Brahma Baba.


© ‘It’s Time…’  by Aruna Ladva, BK Publications London, UK 


Previous articles on Brahma Baba:

Going Beyond


New Beginnings …







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What a legacy and a global imapct for the benefit of humanity

Maria del Carmen Lloveras Sainz

A life that inspires generations to become angels. Om Shanti!