September 2018

Sharing and Caring Begins with Good Feelings

When we care about someone our communication is ignited from a place of love and so there are no “real” obstacles – our tolerance and willingness to understand is effortless.  What we lack is love for our fellow brothers.  Every soul is bankrupt of spiritual power and that is why each one wants to receive before giving.  Imagine a world where everyone is a giver and not a taker.

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Overcoming Codependency

Overcoming Codependency Codependency is a sickness; it’s an unhealthy love.  Co-dependents generally have good intentions but low self-esteem and go looking for something outside of themselves to make them feel better.  The consequences of maintaining a co-dependent approach to life is often a lot of resentment, frustration and unmet personal needs. Codependents try to take care of

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The Seven Laws of Karma that Can Change Our Life for the Better

we may think we can escape from the security cameras, the police or the judicial system, but we will never escape from our karma.  Karma is the ultimate universal justice system.  It takes care of everyone’s actions.  This means that we don’t need to become the law unto our self.  For each one will be served what they have ‘ordered’, sometimes sweet and sometimes bitter.

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