March 2018

Love and Let Go

We may be smart enough to fulfil all our worldly desires only to eventually realize that we are living in a trap of our own creation.  Learning to recognise what is real and what is false is the first step to a free, happy and fulfilling life.  Being the master of, and not a slave to our desires means we can be free to enjoy them, and free to let them go.  This is the ultimate self-love.

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Is it Gold, or just Gold Plated?

With meditation we are able to polish that vision, very much like having to clean our glasses every time we use them.  As that insight becomes clearer to us, we are able to discriminate between what is right and wrong and good and bad, and then take the better decision.  In this way, we make the right choices for ourselves,  choices that are a fit to our values, principles and conscience.  We need to have strong discernment, otherwise we can easily be fooled by life’s attractions.

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