October 2019

Shine Your Inner Light – Happy Diwali

As we celebrate Diwali this year, the festival of lights, let it be with that awareness of lighting up our inner light and ensuring it stays lit!  We will find that our light has blown out when we have given away our power to situations; when we complain; take sorrow and when we get upset and moody.  Our light remains lit when we stay happy, light and flexible, humorous, loving, carefree, easy and content.

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Desire or Deserve?

So, once we have recognized our goal, it is important to get those motivational gears into motion to achieve it.  We need to do this for our self, not for others.  Let us not forget to mention that often there is a lot of subtle inner work going on inside that nobody can see.  We can see people working out in the gym; but who can see how much someone is working out in their inner gym of the mind?

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