October 2016

Light Up Your Life – Happy Diwali

If we put Diwali within a spiritual context, we are in fact those living lights, the dipaks. The clay represents the body and the light, the wick, is the soul. The oil represents the experiences of life itself. Once we apply the oil of knowledge (wisdom) and strike the connection with the Supreme, we are illuminated, enlightened, and begin to share that light with others. When enough of us come together that critical mass will light up the world. All darkness of the world will disappear.

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The Hermit at Home

One might call it ‘the hermit at home’. In other words, there is no need to move to the mountain. We can now remain in our homes, and yet become free from so many things that actually consume a lot of our time and attention. Those “things” may even be extra bank accounts or land or assets. They may be relationships that suck our energy and leave us feeling negative and aggressive.

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One Truth or a Hundred Lies

At the end of the day, telling the truth is much easier than telling lies. Most of us don’t want to tell lies, but maybe there is a grey area that we can fall into at times. We may tell a lie because in the short term we don’t want to admit or own up to something that we are embarrassed or ashamed about. But it’s usually a much better strategy to take a deep breath and own up… at least the pain is short-lived and may even invoke empathy from others. It’s certainly better than weeks, months or years of nursing a guilty conscience.

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