Light does not Fight with Darkness “Light is to darkness what love is to fear; in the presence of one the other disappears.” Marianne Williamson The forces of light and darkness have been metaphors for millennia. Light represents the truth, virtues and divine powers, whereas darkness is a metaphor for fear, ignorance and negativity. The […]
It’s Time Articles

Brahma Baba – A Unique Personality
Brahma Baba The 18th January is a very special day for the Brahma Kumaris. It is the Ascension Day of Brahma Baba, the Founder of the Brahma Kumaris, when the soul flew away in 1969. This day gives us permission to remember the one who pioneered this spiritual divine path; the one who inculcated each […]

Comfort and the Comfort Zone
Comfort and the Comfort Zone Buddha would say that our suffering comes from our ego and attachments. If we can be honest with ourselves, and look at our lives, we will see a lot of truth in this. Actually, once we can see that it is our own thinking patterns which are causing us discomfort […]

Christmas: A Time for Goodwill and Good Wishes
Christmas: A Time for Goodwill and Good Wishes Christmas is a time for goodwill and cheer. For giving good wishes and opening the heart, unless that is we are descendants of the Grinch! But do we really need an excuse to be good? Why is it that our goodwill and good wishes cannot last for […]

Is Discontentment Stealing Your Happiness?
Is Discontentment Stealing Your Happiness? The theme we are focusing on at the Brahma Kumaris this month is contentment. There are lots of valid points being raised to inspire the cultivation of contentment, yet I wonder if I also need to address or should I say, fill the hole of discontentment in the soul before […]

Talking to My “Little Self”
Talking to My “Little Self” With so much happening around us all the time, there is very little time left for the self, let alone time to sit and meditate. Whilst the stormy energies of the world build momentum, it is imperative that we make time to sit with ourselves and give ourselves some loving […]

Keeping Things on the Backburner
Keeping Things on the Backburner Life is complex and we are accustomed to doing many things at one time … we call it multi-tasking. But did you know that many things are also ‘simmering’ on the backburner of your mind as you go about your day? Let’s take a look. If something is on the […]

Light Up Your Life – Happy Diwali
Light Up Your Life – Happy Diwali This weekend I had the privilege of visiting the Diwali celebrations at Trafalgar Square in London. It was expected that some 30,000 people would be attending through-out the day, and it certainly looked like that many!! Thanks to the Mayor of London and the Government of the UK, Diwali […]

The Hidden Message
The Hidden Message I would like to continue the theme of energy work from my previous article, ‘Raising Consciousness’. Let’s take a closer look at: What’s really going on when we are doing what we are doing? Let me explain: When we go for a walk for example, is it just about exercise and […]

Raising Consciousness
Raising Consciousness Truly we have become disconnected from Nature and many have stopped appreciating Her mighty works. Time is turning and showing us that we need to become more thoughtful. I want to talk about being mindful and raising our awareness, joining the dots so to speak. Every time we buy or use something let […]

The Root of Fear
The Root of Fear “Lying is the obvious form of dishonesty but, actually, making excuses is worse. While falsehoods are usually noticeable, it can be a long time before I realize that I am making excuses. A lot of life can be wasted by this deception.” Dadi Janki “Where there is honesty there is […]

Emotional Eruptions
Emotional Eruptions Emotional eruptions are very similar to volcanic eruptions. Both emerge from deep below the surface and destroy everything in their path. During a volcanic eruption the lava can flow at a speed of up to 100 mph. Do our emotions also not feel the same at times? Don’t we feel those emotions are […]