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Talking to My “Little Self”
By Aruna |
Talking to My “Little Self” With so much happening around us all the time, there is very little time left for the self, let alone time to sit and meditate. Whilst the stormy energies of the world build momentum, it is imperative that we make time to sit with ourselves and give ourselves some loving […]
Keeping Things on the Backburner
By Aruna |
Keeping Things on the Backburner Life is complex and we are accustomed to doing many things at one time … we call it multi-tasking. But did you know that many things are also ‘simmering’ on the backburner of your mind as you go about your day? Let’s take a look. If something is on the […]
Light Up Your Life – Happy Diwali
By Aruna |
Light Up Your Life – Happy Diwali This weekend I had the privilege of visiting the Diwali celebrations at Trafalgar Square in London. It was expected that some 30,000 people would be attending through-out the day, and it certainly looked like that many!! Thanks to the Mayor of London and the Government of the UK, Diwali […]