It’s Time… for Relationships
How spiritual wisdom can bring freedom in relationships.
About the book …
Although we live in an imperfect world we expect our relationships to be perfect. For those of us on a spiritual journey, how we see our relationships is a reflection of ourselves. In this thoughtful book, based on her own experiences and inner reflections, author Aruna Ladva explores the many different relationships we have in our lives, both with others and with ourselves. Drawn from her successful blog ‘It’s Time’, Aruna looks at how we can value ourselves and others, how we can build strong relationships and find pure love, how we can overcome challenges in life and, ultimately, how we can find closure when the door to a relationship closes for the last time. So, if you are tired of quick fixes, and wish to get to the root of your relationship problems,
Amazon Kindle (eBook) version of “It’s Time… for Relationships” is now available for sale. Click HERE to purchase.
Go to Inspired Stillness to purchase a hardcopy.
Go to AUDIO page to listen to seminar by Aruna Ladva.
Watch Aruna Ladva introduces “It’s Time… for Relationships – How spiritual wisdom can bring freedom in relationships” during a book launch in the UK:
‘It’s Time… for Relationships’ is also available in Vietnamese
‘It’s Time… for Relationships’ is also available in Turkish
Mukemmel olmayan bir dunyada yasamamiza ragmen iliskilerimizin mukemmel olmasini bekliyoruz. Ruhsal yolculugumuzu yapmakta olan bizler, iliskilerimizin nasil kendimizin bir yansimasi oldugunu gorebiliyoruz. Yazar Aruna Ladva, bu kitapta, kendi deneyimlerine ve derin dusuncelerine dayanarak, yasamlarimizdaki bircok farkli iliskiyi, hem kendimizle olan hem de baskalariyla olan iliskilerimizi inceliyor. Basarili internet gunlugu “It’s Time”dan derlenen bu kitapta, Aruna kendimize ve baskalarina nasil deger verebilecegimize, nasil guclu iliskiler insa edebilecegimize, saf sevgiyi nasil bulabilecegimize, yasamdaki zorluklarin ustesinden nasil gelebilecegimize ve bir iliskinin sonlanmasi gerektiginde son kez o kapiyi nasil kapatabilecegimize bakiyor. Eger kestirme cozumlerden yorulduysaniz ve hem kendinizle hem de baskalariyla yasanan iliski sorunlarinin koklerine bakmayi diliyorsaniz, bu kitap tam size gore…(Tanitim Bulteninden)Sayfa Sayisi: 124Baski Yili: 2015Dili: TurkceYayinevi: Phoenix
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om shanti