

Posted on January 2, 2011

As the old year draws to its end and the new one begins, many will be in the mood to make new beginnings, to close the past chapter, and open a fresh page. For some it will be a time to build on earlier successes, and for others there will be the effort to submerge the past. Whatever the intention, the fact remains that many of us will be looking forward to the New Year with anticipation and the hope that it will be better than the year gone by.

Our impulse for newness is natural. The soul feels alive when it experiences each moment as fresh, pure and unique, and every thought and idea truly original. Newness is like fresh food for the soul, bringing energy, enthusiasm and inspiration. The old routines, in contrast, make us sick, bored, and our lives stagnant.

What is it about ‘oldness’ that makes the soul weary? It is true that ‘a change is as good as a break’, and stopping to examine old patterns and routines is useful, as it allows us to reassess, refocus, and get back on track. If we never pause, we get stuck in a rut and may even lose the incentive to climb out of it.

Many of us hold onto the past like an old antique, giving it weight and value. If there is the habit to hold onto the relics of time gone by then there won’t be room for newness. The past is only worth as much as it shapes me into a person. Then it’s time to let go, move on, and grow some more.

Newness and ‘oldness’ are like day and night: We create newness, sustain it until that energy runs out, and it is time to add new energy again. This is the natural course of life. We buy flowers, display them and then discard them. Knowing their time cycle to be limited, we enjoy their fragrance and beauty for however long they possess it. Once they begin to lose their attraction we dispose of them; it would be pointless to hold on to them any longer. So, too, with life and its events. Enjoy, and then let go and move on – this is newness.

Newness arrives naturally in one form or another but why not create the newness of our choice? We can ‘renovate’ by choosing to see a difficult situation or person in a new way. Then, instead of being faced with an obstacle, we can be inspired and uplifted. We can also resolve to leave behind the burdens of the past. Newness is easily created when our vision is not coloured with a trace of anything old.

Newness in the soul is really a desire for change at a deeper level. How many of us would like to make a fresh start? How often have we wished that we could correct mistakes we have made in the past, or re-take some decisions which we have regretted?. How many of us would really like to ‘Start Again!’

A few of the top ten resolutions that people will be making as the New Year begins, are to spend more time with family and friends; to tame the bulge, quit smoking, get fit… but all of these things are a quest for newness on an external level. We can all renovate our homes, get new cars, or even have a facelift, but if there is not a shift on a deep, internal level with our attitudes and beliefs, then we will soon fall back into the old habits. .

The only way to change the past is to change the future. At every moment you can choose to think differently: from positive from negative, to wear a different attitude, to adopt a different thought or feeling. All of these things are within your own hands. No matter how ordinary or monotonous life may appear to be, within a second, with a switch of a thought, there can be creativity and fun.

We don’t need to wait for the New Year to instigate newness; every moment can be a new one if we decide to make it such. Live each moment to the fullest… free from the past and the future – no regrets and no worries.

Amidst all the merriment, let us create some quiet time for ourselves. The ‘silent night’ is not only to observe what needs to change from now on, but to appreciate, applaud, admire, approve and most of all to celebrate a new ME.

It’s time… to bring REAL newness. Then we can say we have truly turned a new page.

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