Taking the Soul Journey
“Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
It is a wise soul who checks where the energy of their mind is going. Are the thoughts being created constructive or destructive? Are those thoughts going to increase our power or make us more depleted? The more we repeat things which are negative the greater the loss of clarity and the more confusion enters the mind.
Our aim in life is to become full and complete, in fact it is more about realizing the wholeness of our being and not getting distracted. When we have a goal in life we will surely reach our destination, but equally we want to enjoy the scenes and scenery of the journey along the way. This after all is what life is all about… experience and relationships.
In order to be able to help other fellow travellers, we have to be careful of our own steps.
In order to be able to help other fellow travellers, we have to be careful of our own steps. We have to make sure our footings are secure and safe. Just like a mountain climber, he cannot afford to be distracted, because if he loses the focus on what he is doing, then he will find himself come tumbling down. So too with us, when we lose our mind and our attention wanders from what it is that we need to be doing, then we find there are accidents as we collide with others on their journey of life.
Every one of us is on a journey, a soul journey. The journey looks different for different people. Sometimes we are conscious of it and sometimes we are completely unconscious. Some ignore the journey altogether and choose to stand still, but even that will also shape the journey. By journey, I mean, we are moving, in any direction. That could sometimes look like evolving and growing, and sometimes it could feel like a blockage or some form of diminishment of power in the self.
The journey is not physical. It is about the soul. The soul came with a mission and purpose, to accomplish this in the present lifetime,
The journey is not physical. It is about the soul. The soul came with a mission and purpose, to accomplish this in the present lifetime, if incomplete, the soul may come to feel bankrupt. This translates into a lack of peace and happiness, and even a lack of contentment. For those who believe in an afterlife, the soul carries this over to their next life. Re-starting the mission, journeying on from where we left off. Hence, if we do not achieve the objective, we will need to start again. We are here in a school of learning, and what we are learning about is ourselves, and relationship with our co-travellers.
Once we recognize that we are on a journey, we need to ensure that we enjoy the ride. That means doing the things that are healthy for the soul. The things that will make the soul rise and shine. Part of this is to learn how to be at peace with ourselves and lighten the karmic load. When we are aware that we are souls who are conscious we are able to break free from the bonds of our limited thinking, which is really a form of entrapment in body consciousness. For sure the body is a wonderful instrument through which we experience the world, but we have to remember the one, the inner being, it is the soul that tastes the experience of life.
If I am caught between fulfilling an obligation
to my dear one and to myself,
then myself takes priority.
So, if we are tied by blood with relatives, we still fulfil our obligation, for that is a journey within the journey, but we still need to be mindful of our ultimate soul journey, and that takes precedence in my opinion. If I am caught between fulfilling an obligation to my dear one and to myself, then myself takes priority. For only if I am able to replenish myself, then am I able to help those around me. If I am strengthened then I am able to give others might and support at the time of need. It is a bit like the instructions given by the flight attendant “in the case of emergency” … We are told to make sure that we use the oxygen mask first, for only then will we be able to help others.
Everything here in the material world that gives us happiness will also give us sorrow at some point in time. We may be happy in the moment… that is until some form of loss or sorrow occurs and then there goes our happiness. This is why it is so important to stand in our own power and understand that our stability will come from the quality of our internal stage. Actually, the power of our own inner stage will determine how well we are able to cope with the challenges of life.
… most important thing to remember is when I leave this body, what am I taking with me?
I guess the most important thing to remember is when I leave this body, what am I taking with me? Is it a strong stage of the soul, or a weakened one that is co-dependent and lacking power. Hence it is so important to keep reinforcing the goodness in the soul and to remember that virtues are my power, and wisdom is my guide.
Life is like a dance, and we move and weave between other players on the dance-floor. The more agile and flexible the dancer, the more beautiful it is to watch the dancers in their flow and motion, moving to the music of life. Don’t we all want to enjoy the music and the dance?
It’s Time… to stay steady on our soul journey, to be happy and enjoy the scenery along the way.
© ‘It’s Time…’ by Aruna Ladva, BK Publications London, UK
Beautifully written.
@it is important what comes out of Mouth….refreshing morning
thanks to sister Aruna