Share Your Presence this Christmas

Season’s Greetings and wishing
everyone a wonderful year ahead


Share Your Presence this Christmas

Image by Angeles Balaguer from Pixabay
“A candle never loses any of its light whilst
lighting up another candle.”

As spiritual beings, light is our power and we greatly under-estimate our spiritual power.  We are all placed on the divine tree of humanity like sparkling stars.  When we forget our original nature of love, peace and our eternal form of light, then we begin to experience dissonance and dis-connection both within ourselves and with other souls.  Actually the original purpose behind many rituals and festivals was to create an opportunity for us to come back to a state of awareness, alignment and connection within ourselves and with the Divine.

We think of Christmas as a time of giving, a time of light, compassion and goodwill, as a time for being with family and friends, a season of good cheer.  For many souls around the world Christmas is just another day, because they do not feel the presence of spiritual light in their lives.  Perhaps, for these souls they have lost faith and lost hope.

Image by Terri Cnudde from Pixabay

For sure the Charles Dicken’s character, Ebenezer Scrooge had a very dramatic awakening, he came to the realization of his own miserly nature and a wasted life.  Ebenezer had a vision of his uncharitable past and what would be his bleak future.  Mr. Scrooge saw how he held nothing but money in his mind and heart, he saw his future life devoid of love, compassion, charity, family and friends.  He had a big shock when he foresaw how he would die alone, uncared for and unloved.

But we do not need to be like Mr. Scrooge.  We can all give something, it does not always have to be about money, we can share our time, our prayers and good wishes for others.  We can all give the gift of our presence.  To be fully present in the moment with whoever we are with, that is to be present in a state of “being”, without judgement, just with unconditional acceptance, without thinking about what we need to do or where we need to be next.

That means we have to be vigilant, to be aware of the myriad distractions, to take care not to fall into any of those traps that are constantly calling for our attention, that pull on our mind.  This is where meditation can help us to come back to a point of stillness allowing more light to come in.  Just by taking a few moments we can re-focus our mind and check the type of thoughts we are entertaining.  Remember, we have the power to change those thoughts that are not beneficial for us.

“You need to be able to move your intellect away from all external distractions
and centre it instead, exclusively on God.
Then you will be able to see that Light.
And that Light will enter your life.”
Dadi Janki

Maybe we have a problem that is tricky to resolve, or in fact has no visible answer.  When we share a problem do we really want a solution?  Perhaps we simply want someone to “see” us and to bear witness to our lives.   Sometimes the gift can just be of listening and of being energetically present “with” another soul.  This is the need of the hour, to connect with each other on a spiritual level to be in the flow and vibration of light and love.  What happens when we feel heard is that we feel some sense of relief.

“Nothing can nourish the soul, but light.”

Giving the gift of our presence does not need to be earmarked just for one day on the calendar!  We can really help each other heal through bearing witness to the lives of each other with our silent loving energetic presence.  In this state of light presence we can be in the awareness of pure living light beings, sitting in the conscious awareness of the eternal “self”, the pure essence of “I am” – light, love and wisdom.  When we hold this pure vision for another soul, this focused awareness carries such a high vibration that it can be quite healing.

Image by Mariya Muschard from Pixabay

The Christmas spirit should last for more than just a day.  If we can embrace the light of love, we can shine a light of hope and good wishes and these are powerful transformational energies.  When we set our pure intention we can help uplift the vibrational frequency of the world, so let us learn how to shine more brightly and more lovingly despite the darkness.  Remember that as more lights shine, then the darkness naturally diminishes.

“Experiencing the light of God means there is a sense of recognition inside.
Something inside you shifts.
Understandings from deep within begin to surface. More than understandings, it is as if a memory is awakened and you are flooded with the recognition of who you really
are and what God is.
At that moment of recognition, you are no longer bound to the (lower)
consciousness of yourself as a body.
You are released from that and you, too, become light.
Dadi Janki


It’s Time… to share the gift of your presence and the gift of you.





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