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Recent Blog Posts

The Millionaire Mindset

The Millionaire Mindset Contrary to popular opinion, millionaires (these days, only those who have accumulated 25-30 million are considered to be rich) have not inherited their wealth, they are self-made, often come from ordinary families, many dropped out of school, and they work very hard, up to 60 hours a week, even when they have […]

Happy Diwali: It’s Time to Switch Our Lights Back On

Happy Diwali: It’s Time to Switch Our Lights Back On Diwali is known as the festival of lights.  This is the time to ignite a light in every home; to share sweets; to meet family and friends; for dancing and firecrackers; and newness and spring cleaning.  Yet it is not just a time to light […]

Lies and Deception

Lies and Deception “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!” Sir Walter Scott We have all told a white lie at some time, and at other times it may have been a blatant porky!  Why do we do it?  Is lying a reflex?  Is lying a form of protection?  […]



It’s Time… To Do the Inner Work


It’s Time to Meditate


It’s Time to be Cool


It’s Time for Self-Empowerment