Investing in Yourself

“Understand your own value. If you don’t
others won’t either!”
Dadi Janki
As the saying goes – ‘the fruit of nothing is nothing’. So if we want to experience a better quality life we have to put in those good ingredients in the first place, that means that we have to make some effort. ‘Self’ study, self-development and inner growth are some of the benefits we receive when we take time to invest in knowing the ‘self’, this investment brings a long lasting return. There is no greater reward from the study of the ‘self’ and our interior world, and we certainly do not mean navel gazing! To know yourself is really such a blessing.
The example of planting a seed and reaping its fruit is easy to understand. Yet it is more difficult to accept that our one deed can have multiple ripple effects. In fact, that one action is like that seed and it can grow into anything, a beautiful flower or an unruly weed. We just cannot know. Which is why we have to be very cautious to ensure that we ‘put our best foot forward’ and make our actions the best. To literally ‘be good for goodness sake’. If for no other reason than for our own protection, so that later we do not come to regret our own actions. We need to learn to work with our conscience and not against it. Because, for sure whatever we send out, by thought or deed, that definitely comes back to us. If we needed proof, we can all look at our lives and will be able to find several examples.
Another example that may hit home… is poker. When one plays poker and bets chips of ‘tens’ then tens are what they will get back. Whereas if the stake is raised to 100’s then it will be 100’s we will get back. Once again it is certainly about our first step. If we win then we win the pot, but if we lose, we can only lose what we put into the pot. So too with life.

At school… If we study well and put in the effort then we will get the good grades and go onto to choose good careers and have better chances in life. If not, we may find that we will get handed over ‘the crumbs’. Having wasted our time at school, such as hanging out with the wrong crowd or gaming which may have in the end become addictive or destructive, when there was the golden opportunity to make a difference in our life. How many of us had the wisdom at a young age to consciously choose to invest in ourselves through study and discipline? For those that did, they managed to create better lives for themselves. For those who did not have the sense or mentors to guide them, it is a sad story.
Let’s also take a look at eating something that we intuitively know will not suit us, and sure enough, we throw up or get a stomach ache. Or if we persist and we don’t take care and lose the organ due to negligence. For example, staring into the computer too much can have a big impact on one’s eyesight. Or to exercise recklessly and then to hurt a nerve and ligament, twist a muscle or break a bone.
So, the lessons are many! What are we doing with those lessons? Have we learnt them yet? That to get anywhere in life, we need to put in the effort first. Rarely do things just get handed down to us on a platter. And even if they do, the platter does not last forever. We have to keep putting in good energy and making effort. We may have cooked that nutritious meal today and eaten it too, but tomorrow we will have to cook another meal… again…, but the practice will make it easier for us.
“The journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step.”
Lao Tzu
Consistency, persistency, dedication… all pay off in the long run. When we do not pay attention and stop re-investing in the flow cycle, basically if we keep reaping and eating without sowing then that credit soon comes to an end. But if we learn how to keep sowing and reinvesting then we help the cycle to turn in a positive way. Perhaps, the question to ask is: How much am I bringing benefit to myself and others in the world? When that becomes a one way street; when I am just taking benefit (and not giving benefit), sooner or later we will end up at a ‘dead end’. We co-exist in the cycle of life together. Actually it is only with co-operation that we can all make it through the challenges of life.
It’s Time… to value our time, value the self and to sow seeds of great deeds.
© ‘It’s Time…’ by Aruna Ladva, BK Publications London, UK