Context is King

Context is King

Image by Ivana Tomášková from Pixabay

There is a reason why we are where we are, and there is a reason why we have certain people in our lives.  Believe it not, you, yes you, (and I) attracted these souls into our life. These souls are part of our life to help us learn our greatest of life’s lessons.  Of course this cuts both ways, we are also here to help other souls learn their lessons in life.

On an individual level from our beliefs, which are buried deep in our subconscious mind, the exact drama script has been drafted that is the best fit for us. Designed for our learning, development, endurance, strength building and more.  Some call this the result of the law of attraction.

Each of us live and experience our life in a context. Each of us have a different backdrop, even if that scenery may look the same. Everything happens around this context, call it scene, or story line or plot. We are the actors in our own personal drama.

In the past we lived in quite a simple way because that was the only “channel” available to us. We lived within our family, our community, with our tribe and rituals. We were restricted and lived within our perimeter of town and village. We had routines … we lived, worked, played and died … together all in the same place. We only knew what was happening next door, if even that.  We generally knew our neighbours and there were bonds of community, we felt supported, that we could call on our neighbour for help … but now?  Then, our connection to the wider world may have come if we bought a newspaper, then we would discover other worlds for a day.

Image by Vicki Hamilton from Pixabay

And now look at us! We have the World-Wide-Web!  We move in and out of different people’s dramas, click… click… click… by the minute.  Through Facebook and Instagram, we become the voyeurs of other people’s lives, most often people we do not know or even really care about or will never meet in our lifetime.  This addiction gives us no time to reflect on and live our own life properly with the power of our own mind, creativity and imagination.

We may carelessly leave an uncompassionate comment to undermine another person’s self-esteem.  Why do we do it?  We need to look towards how we can support and uplift others.  We need to be not a bystander in life, but an up-stander, and support positive life enriching values that feed the spirit.

As we do this, frequently changing channels, it creates restlessness, peacelessness, tenseness and turbulent emotions in the soul. “Which drama to live?”  Other people’s dramas?  That’s a rhetorical question! “Their life seems more interesting, fascinating and adventurous than mine.” “They are in the highlife, high track and high adrenaline!”  “They are travelling, succeeding, excelling …” And so, the thoughts go on and on …  No wonder people feel depressed and think they have been left behind in a self-made race.

Image by Vicki Hamilton from Pixabay

We can feel rich and famous for a day chumming around with the divas online and “following” them literally all day, from breakfast to bedtime.  But, hang on, what happens to our own drama? We lose track of it. Our own drama compared to the drama of others looks bleak, dismal, unexciting and so how does that leave us feeling?  Elated or deflated?  Sadly, after visiting all our ‘friends’ on these social media sites, we feel more lonely, empty and dispirited.

On social media we travel from country to country; one ideology to another; one shop to another; one hobby to another; one athlete to another; one coach to another; one tip to another; one hack to another all in a matter of minutes.  But what do we really take in?  No wonder people have ADHD.  With the speed of all these techie devices, we are being programmed to have the attention span of an ant!  So what’s the answer?

I need to realise and understand that everything happens within a certain context. When we look down at our feet, that is where we are meant to be. The whole of us, the feet, the heart, head, mind, body. When we were created, we were not meant to peer into others’ lives through a screen, only to appreciate and enjoy our own with those around us. So although the luxury is there (to look into others dramas), its best we try to just comprehend and manage our own.

I need to accept that I have my own part to play in this world.  Let me start embracing that part.  I came with my own virtues – (internal) and my own specialities – (external). I have to become the hero of my own drama. I did not come here to follow others!  Those souls are already living out their lives – and my life?  I am just looking on, and all the time my own life is running like water without a purpose.

Image by Julius H. from Pixabay

In My drama, my CONTEXT IS KING and that is what I need to focus on.  That is where my emphasise and all my attention needs to be – to fix my own problems and perfect my own life in the way that I choose.  When I do that for myself, then I will be at peace.  And don’t worry about trying to perfect other people’s dramas either – that’s their job.  If they can’t do that, then that is where their learning lies.  My learning is my own drama within the context of my life.

Enjoy your own drama … when you enjoy, then you are happy and grateful … and that makes it all worth the while!

It’s Time … to put the spotlight on my own part and to play my own part well … like a hero would.


© ‘It’s Time…’  by Aruna Ladva, BK Publications London, UK 


Image by sergioalcantaracontrat from Pixabay




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kasi v chappiti

pranam powerful yet sublime blog …aham brahmosmi