Christmas: A Time for Goodwill and Good Wishes
Christmas is a time for goodwill and cheer. For giving good wishes and opening the heart, unless that is we are descendants of the Grinch! But do we really need an excuse to be good? Why is it that our goodwill and good wishes cannot last for more than a (momentous) day? Surely this should be our natural state.
The goodwill aspect to Christmas tends to be overshadowed by our ever-expanding wants lists. The advertisers know too well how to tap into the desires of the young children with the toys and trucks … and the big children with the latest tech gadgets. “No” seems to be a word many are unfamiliar with. At these tough economic times a lot of parents are struggling and will have to use the negative much more, simply because of their financial constraints upon the family purse; where do those wages disappear?!
So much of our unhappiness comes from us having negative thoughts and ill feelings towards others, our own self and the past. We may be suffering from unrealistic expectations which will just destroy our happiness, and true happiness comes from an inner state of being. There is a power in having good wishes and pure feelings for all souls.
Actually, it’s all about being true to ourselves; and not being fake. Maybe we need to give ourselves the gift of authenticity, after having a few reality checks and jettisoning the unnecessary. No need to wait for the New Year before getting rid of any excess baggage we may have been carrying for a long time. I am not talking about physical weight so much as spiritual weight, and heavy emotional baggage which just drags us down and prevents us from being our best “self”. Why are we still carrying that excess weight around after all these years? It’s time to say goodbye to all that “stuff”.
Christmas is a time for giving and receiving. If you are really a wise soul, you know by now that it is in the giving that there is the true receiving. Any gift given with an open and honest heart, no matter how simple, that gift is worth more than all the gifts bought by the mighty pound or dollar.
Let’s look at some of the qualities and virtues of Christmas which are the hidden gifts we all love to receive. The spiritual qualities and virtues which are part of the natural nature of the soul, are truly our divine qualities, which is why we can so easily recognize them when we see them in others. In fact it is through the spiritual connection of divinity that we are all eternally connected.
You can always add some more virtues to the Christmas list, try finding extra words from the word CHRISTMAS as a form of a family game. There is so much we take for granted in life, and that includes Christmas. Let each one of us share a little love, light and peace with the world over and beyond the Christmas season.
C – Compassion – Charity – Clarity – Creativity
H – Humility – Honour – Happiness – Hope
R – Respect – Royalty – Responsibility – Real
I – Innocence – Introversion – Inspiration – Intoxication
S – Sovereignty – Surrender – Stability – Silence
T – Tolerance – Trust – Tender – Thoughtfulness
M – Mercy – Magic – Maturity – Magnificent
A – Appreciation – Acceptance – Authentic – Accurate
S – Sweetness – Simplicity – Stoic – Strong
For Christians, they celebrate the birth of one Christ. Whether we follow Christ or not, still the teachings of Christ remind us of the Love and Light of the Father; to live in togetherness and to look out for our neighbour with goodwill. What is there not to like in a message of love and peace?
Truly have a happy Christmas, not just for a day but put the light of love back into your life with joy, appreciation and peace. If we all practiced these fundamental virtues, we could create a world of harmony, but the first place we need to start is within our own selves, and that begins with peace.
Fill your life and Christmas stocking with love and all virtues to create a happy and successful life. A life without virtues is an empty life… just like an empty stocking!
It’s Time … to make sure you have a wonderful Christmas.
© ‘It’s Time…’ by Aruna Ladva, BK Publications London, UK
Awesomely expressed n it has capped my want want list and need to explore more of myself