Bless the World this Christmas and Bless Yourself
Sprinkle some love, peace and happiness this Christmastide…
This is the time of goodwill to increase our compassion and generosity for others, and we should not be too limited in sharing our blessings. Christmas is the season to open both our heart and our hand, a time to uplift other souls and raise our vibrations with pure good feelings. Everyone wants to receive blessings and good wishes, and we all need to share these good feelings far and wide, not just with our friends and family, but extend those blessings to the world and Nature too.
We can see that so much is going on all over the world. Although we may not be able to help physically or even financially, still we can all share good vibrations through meditation; we can send healing energy from a distance; and we can all certainly afford to send prayers to all souls of the world. ALL living beings need unconditional love and spiritual healing.
“Good spiritual health means I am free from diseases of the spirit: no traces of negativity remain, my face sparkles with happiness.”
Dadi Janki
In the giving is the receiving …
When we understand the nature of spiritual laws, then we know that in the giving is the receiving, and nothing given from a big heart goes to waste. But when we think in terms of things of the material world there is a limitation, on the other hand pure good wishes shared with a pure mind and clean heart will reach every soul. It is very subtle yet souls can feel those good vibrations. Souls are touched by the pure intention of the spirit, we call this distance healing and it works. We know this happens when we are thinking about someone and then that person calls us. What is this? This a form of subtle spiritual connection.
What comes first? The giving or the receiving? Do you give with the aim of getting something? Then that is not true giving from the heart. Most people think that when they have something, or enough, then they can give, many of those souls are still waiting… because truly according to the spiritual laws the more we give the more returns to us. So we never really lose anything. However, in body consciousness there is always a thought and fear of loss and not enough-ness, this is a form of poverty consciousness. This giving has to be without attachment and strings; without any expectation and comes from a pure place.
When we realize how the spiritual law works, it is in the giving that there is the receiving. So let’s look at what pure hearted giving feels like. When we are of service to others, understanding that we are all co-operative instruments to help each other along on the journey of life, then we complete the circle. It is like the mountaineer, he cannot think he is travelling alone, because each climber it tied to the one ahead and the one behind. They must all pull together for the success and safety of their climb.
So what signs do we need to look out for?
- You will simply feel better in yourself. You immediately get a “feel good” feeling, and you are happy with yourself and others, there is no feeling of discontent or anything lacking.
- When the intention is pure and Godly, at some point that good thought, word and action etc., when these are unconditionally given without any expectations of a return these will come back to you multi-fold.
- If negative goes out then negative has to come back to you. This is because the spiritual laws work through an automatic machinery.
- When we receive but do not give, the energy stops flowing and we create a blockage. So if nothing goes out, then nothing will come back in. Hence stagnation. We can see this in a deterioration of our health, both mental and physical.
- Whatever you give out will return to you – this is the law of karma. So give your best and have no regrets.
- Pure hearted giving is like giving yourself a soft warm hug of love and joy.
The more we share blessings the more blessings return to us, it is in the actual giving that we bless ourselves first. Blessings can even work like medicine. Let us all become well-wishers for each other and for the whole world. Start by sending out peace and love this Christmas.
It’s Time… to sprinkle your sparkle and magic and give blessings to the world with a pure, open and big heart.
© ‘It’s Time…’ by Aruna Ladva, BK Publications London, UK
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