Rejection How does rejection make us feel? What is the emotional pain and disturbance we experience? Rejection is a very painful feeling and I wish it on no one. It’s the experience of not belonging and included by others. The emotional pain comes from being refused, pushed out, side-lined and not accepted. So what is […]

Attached? If the vice of ego gives us the false feeling of security, and the vice of greed gives us the false feeling of contentment, then the vice of attachment gives us the false feeling that we are enough. But we are not, we are still empty. Attachments are, well, things we are attached to. […]

Dress Up … Not Down
Dress Up … Not Down Once a British man asked Swami Vivekananda, “Why can’t you wear trousers and a shirt and tie and look like a gentleman?” Swami Vivekananda smiled and said: “In your culture, a tailor makes a gentleman; but, in ours, character makes a gentleman.” Earlier this week we visited Blenheim Palace, a […]

Bhavna and Bhasna
Bhavna and Bhasna Bhavna and Bhasna are two Hindi words that speak volumes. It’s the experience of these two words that is so important in our daily living, and enhance our experience of life. Let me attempt to explain their meanings to you. Bhavna means the pure feelings one has for anyone or anything in […]

Context is King
Context is King There is a reason why we are where we are, and there is a reason why we have certain people in our lives. Believe it not, you, yes you, (and I) attracted these souls into our life. These souls are part of our life to help us learn our greatest of life’s […]

Some of the Things I Am Grateful For in Life
Some of the Things I Am Grateful For in Life “When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” Willie Nelson I am grateful for the sun and for the light and warmth the sun provides. If there is no sun, I am grateful for the clouds that give us rain and enable […]

Breaking Habits
Breaking Habits “Our life is the creation of our mind.” Buddha It’s important to look into different ways of doing things, simply because we are unaware of our habits, and we get so used to doing things in the same way. We become trapped in our patterns, we fail to take the time to step […]

Being Carefree
Being Carefree There is a beautiful Indian expression “sach to bitho nach”. Which means the soul who has truth, (speaks truth), dances. Hence, there is a strong correlation between truth and being happy and carefree. The one who has nothing to hide is free to express any emotion. The one who has a guilty conscience […]

Our Final Farewell to Dad
Our Final Farewell to Dad Vasrambhai Karsan Ladva – (1932-2024) The soul of Vasrambhai Karsan Ladva, my father, left his body on 2nd February 2024. He had just turned 91 years old in December. Anything can become a reason for the soul to fly away. In Dad’s case, it was a fall and a […]

You Can Never Really Lose Your Light
You Can Never Really Lose Your Light Our world today needs so much light. In the midst of all the darkness there seems to be in the world, all of us are trying to hold on to the light we have inside. That does not seem a very easy thing to do. If you think […]

New Beginnings …
New Beginnings … “There is no protection in these walls, only in virtue.” Brahma Baba The month of January is significant for many people in some way or another. January marks the start of a New Year which stimulates us to begin new things or start over. This may take the form of a […]

Goodbye 2023 – Hello 2024
Goodbye 2023 – Hello 2024 Hello Folks, Greetings for the season and wishing you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year. Instead of my usual New Year letter, I decided to do things slightly differently this year. After many years living in various countries, it is now a year and seven months since I […]