
Need or Greed?

Take a look around your space right now.  How much of what you have and own is really what you need, or is it just a collection of stuff you have amassed over time as testimony to your buying power? If after your assessment you realise that half or more of what you have is not […]


    For millions of people, fasting is an obligatory practice during the holy month of Ramadan.  Ramadan is an annual spiritual event that impressively embraces the entire Muslim family as one.  But it is not just Islam that advocates fasting as a tool to spiritual upliftment.   The vast majority of faith traditions: Christianity, Baha’i, Buddhism, […]

Competition – Good or Bad?

Part of ‘It’s Time…’ Corporate Wellness Series In the work environment, the cocktail of competition, jealousy, fear and ambition can create a lethal explosive that can lead not only to conflict and loss of one’s job, but to dissatisfaction, overload, self-hatred and depression. Unfortunately we have flawed views about competition.  Some believe it creates a […]

Cultivate Generosity

Part of “It’s Time… Corporate Wellness Series” A ‘culture of giving’ is not only about contributing money to charity, or volunteering your time for a worthy cause.  It’s about creating an attitude of giving, anytime, anywhere.  Giving up your seat on the train for someone else, giving way whilst driving, listening to a friend who needs a […]

Reinvent Yourself

Part of ‘It’s Time…’ Corporate Wellness Series Every organization and corporation from small to large scale invariably goes through a cycle of change over a period of time, it is only natural. A cycle of birth, growth, maturity, decline and eventually death, that is unless one is willing to embrace a new vision, idea or […]

Breaking Down the Inner Fort

Illustration from “It’s Time… for Relationships” It’s Time… to check your level of self-respect and self-trust.  Be courageous, begin to be more open and accepting and see how many bricks are removed to let light into your soul.  Check to see what threatens your freedom.  Ask yourself “Why?” or “How?” this is happening.  Use your […]