Food Glorious Food!

Food Glorious Food!


Food is an important part of our life, and meal times are super important. But, how much do we value our food and this time we spend to re-fuel our bodies? Without food and water we would simply perish. Do we realize that the food we eat nourishes the soul as well as the body?  How many of us realize that feeding the body is really a sacred act. For without the co-operation of the body we would not be able to literally ‘do’ anything.

Yet, how often do we stop and take time to appreciate the food, and honour the process that nourishes us? When we are rushed and stressed while we are eating, then how can we digest that food well? Are we really able to experience the natural nourishment that we should from the process of consuming food? And how many of us have the habit of munching on the move?

If truth be told, then very few of us are really ‘being present’ whilst we eat. For us to be able to take the full benefit of the natural bounty of nature, it is important to practise being ‘mindful’, not only about what we eat, how we cook, but also the consciousness in which we are eating too.

Food these days is very low in energy! Even something that looks fresh and organic may claim not to have the chemicals in it or on it, yet it doesn’t mean that it is fully vibrant and bursting with energy.

Food doesn’t energise our body. And why is this?  Because over time all forms of matter have become depleted: air, water, earth, metals, all the natural elements of nature can no longer operate according to their original program. Basically, if the soil has no minerals and vitamins left within it: then how can anything that we plant and grow there extract any goodness from that soil?

Add to this the energy of greed. As producers and marketers continue to try and maximize their yield through over use of the land. The land is no longer left to re-generate and given time to come back to a place of balance. The attitude of, everything is there for our taking… will in the end be our own downfall.   The attitude of take… take… and take some more… motivated from a place of greed will mean that in the end we will all pay a heavy price for not looking after this beautiful planet on which we all have to live. When will we realize that we have to start to give something back to Mother Earth?


Some people are waking up to this, and have done so for some time. This is why many people make a conscious choice to be vegetarian or vegan. More people are mindful and ethical shoppers, who choose to support Fair Trade products, or the local farmer and small businessman. There are a growing number of people who are turning away from the large faceless organizations that just see the dollar at the end of the day. These mega corporations do not care or concern for the impact of their actions on the environment.

Energy, vibrations and frequencies all have an impact in our world. It is not just what we do that matters, but how we think and how we feel too. Let alone our food, how healthy are our thoughts and feelings? Therefore, the food that we consume and the actions that we perform will also reflect these different energy types.

As Professor Emoto has proven to us, we can shape the molecular structure of our food as we give it positive vibes. Dr. Emoto’s research showed that when water was exposed to positive or negative energy, the energy transmitted drastically changed its molecular structure. The water that received the positive comments and vibes, created perfectly symmetrical crystalized patterns, very much like a snowflake. On the other hand, the water which was exposed to negative vibes changed and created a fractured shapes.

Prince Charles became famous and sometimes ridiculed for talking to his plants so that they would grow better. As plants, which may well become our food, respond well to good energy and happy vibes, to produce more nourishing and healthy foods, just think of the impact this sort of food would have on our overall health. We become happy eaters, eating happy food!

This is why it is so important to create time for a respectful moment of silence, to offer thanks, or give grace for our food, before eating it.  As we sit before our food, look at it with love, and be thankful for the food that we have, we are giving food that reverence it deserves.  Food is matter and all matter responds kindly to love. It will serve us better.

As we offer gratitude to our food we realize that this simple daily act of eating with ease, is for many people in less fortunate circumstances a daily struggle. Indeed, in some cases it can be a matter of life and death. We need to realise that we are part of the bigger world than just – “me, myself and I” – and that what we do does impact on the lives of others, and especially nature.

It’s Time… to check: How much are we always thankful for the food that is on our plate? Remember how grandma used to make ends meet and would say: “Waste not. Want not.” In our modern world maybe we should take a leaf out of grandma’s book?


© ‘It’s Time…’ by Aruna Ladva, BK Publications London, UK







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harpal singh

Just superb article , in fact an eye opener, I knew bits and pieces but it has been nicely organised in one article, thanks you very much Divine Sister and I will give my best to put the things as required for making the food glorious as described above, in practice